
Simple set-up of protein kinase studies with the Tristar 5 Reader

The Transcreener® ADP2 TR-FRET Red Assay provides a convenient, rapid and reliable method for the assessment of protein kinase activity. In this application note, we describe the optimized settings for using the assay on the Tristar 5.


We are ISO 13485 certified!

We are very proud to announce that our quality management system is now certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485.


New Colibri+ C for microvolume and cuvettes

The new Colibri+ C expands the Colibri family with the possibility to measure cuvettes, even for kinetics measurements with temperature control!


NEW - The fastest Microplate Washer on the market

Learn more about our new Zoom HT Microplate Washer and Dispenser offering unmatched speed in washing microplates in 96- and 384-well formats.


Berthold Technologies signs cooperation agreement with the KIT

Berthold Technologies has signed a cooperation agreement with the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, led by Prof. Dr Peter Nick, at the Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter Institute for Plant Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).


New Science Tutor Video

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced lab user, we want to answer your practical lab questions with our new Science Tutor video series. Our new video is: "Do you flash or do you glow? Why fast injection matters in luminescence chemistry".



We are delighted that our new Application eBook “The essential guide to ELISA automation & reading” has been selected as Life Sciences eBook of the Year.


NEW – reliable ELISA & absorbance analysis in just 6 sec

Learn more about our new ELISA-reader, combining intuitive operation and fast measurements.


New Product - Colibri+ Microvolume Spectrophotometer

Colibri+ - Accurate DNA, RNA & Protein Quantification in less than 3 seconds