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About this webinar

The latest development in the safe and reliable operation of delayed cokers includes the use of continuous nuclear levels on the drums. Continuous level can greatly increase reliability of the delayed coking unit by providing a better measurement to increase drum utilization, optimize the use of anti-foam chemicals and reduce the risk of costly foam-overs. The use of continuous levels on delayed coke drums has been approved by all 3 major licensors of coking technology.

Join the webinar and learn from our experts!

Why use gamma continuous level?

Measuring level in a coke drum has always been a challenge, not only due to the physical size of the vessel but also because of the process conditions inside the drum. Learn from our experts why measuring the level has some big advantages for every refiner and solutions for each step of the refining process.

  • Increased throughput
  • Increased reliability
  • Reduce anti-foam chemical usage
  • Reduce foam-overs

Industries & Applications

Füllstand und Grenzstand in Delayed Coking-Anlagen

Messung von Füllstand und Grenzstand in Delayed Coking-Anlagen

Weitere Berthold Webinare

Berthold Webinare

In unserer Webinar-Serie stellen Ihnen unsere Experten unterschiedliche Themen vor und beantworten live Ihre Fragen. Registrieren Sie sich gleich für das nächste Webinar.