

Simple set-up of protein kinase studies with the Tristar 5 Reader

The Transcreener® ADP2 TR-FRET Red Assay provides a convenient, rapid and reliable method for the assessment of protein kinase activity. In this application note, we describe the optimized settings for using the assay on the Tristar 5.


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New Colibri+ C for microvolume and cuvettes

The new Colibri+ C expands the Colibri family with the possibility to measure cuvettes, even for kinetics measurements with temperature control!

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Bioanalytics - Product Overview

An overview of the main product lines of Berthold Technologies Bioanalytics

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16.09.2025 - 18.09.2025


Basel, Switzerland

24.09.2025 - 26.09.2025

17th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting

Innsbruck, Austria

28.10.2025 - 29.10.2025


Parma, Italy

Luminescence vs fluorescence and phosphorescence

We all think of something glowing when we hear the words luminescence, fluorescence or phosphorescence but the mechanism that stand behind these effects are somehow different. So, the question is, what sets them apart from each other?

The One Health concept: how veterinary diagnostics is aiding COVID-19 detection

In this interview Eric Sellal, CEO of Biosellal shares insights into his company´s work developing real-time PCR and ELISA methods for COVID-19 detection and discussing the concept of “One Health”.

The beginnings of Luminescence

Ever wonder who developed the first luminometer and why it was developed? Learn more about the beginnings of luminescence right here!

Busting Myths about Microplate Reader Injectors

What is important if you take a closer look at microplate reader injectors? A comparison between syringe injectors and JET injectors.

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